DSM Poland
Project title
Development and maintenance of rescEU CBRN detection, sampling, identification and monitoring capacities under the UCPM
Project acronym
Agreement number and date of signature
101122686, agreement of 16 december 2023.
Value of the project
€26,167,839.00 + VAT covered as own contribution from national funds
The ‘rescEU’ system comprises a new European Civil Protection Mechanism capacity reserve (‘rescEU reserve’), which was created to support Member States in responding to disasters when national capacities prove insufficient. As a result of the work of the European Commission (EC), in addition to medical stockpiles, it has been expanded in recent years to include the ability to respond to other emergencies such as medical emergencies and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) incidents. The fundamental work for the development of a strategic reserve within the EC on CBRN threats has been ongoing since 2019. Currently, member states, including Poland, are already making their resources available, and the Polish CBRN module is intended to operate organizationally within the State Fire Service on the same principles as the highly valued, UN-certified module 'USAR Poland', which has been deployed multiple times abroad by the decisions of the Minister.
All costs related to the development, training and maintenance of rescEU capabilities are and will be covered entirely by EU funds.
At the end of 2021, Fire University (then Main School of Fire Service), with a letter of intent approved by the Chief Commander of State Fire Service, entered the 'Development and maintenance of rescEU CBRN DSM' competition (rescEU CBRN DSM POLAND). In January 2023, an application was submitted, and in March and June 2023, sessions were held to refine the assumptions for creating a CBRN module based on State Fire Service chemical groups. The procedure for evaluating the applications by the EC was concluded in August, and we received confirmation of Poland being chosen as one of the three countries developing this system.
After the initial selection of 3 countries and negotiations in September – October, on December 16, 2023, the European Commission approved the funding for the Fire University in the amount of over €26.16 million from a pool of €69.8 million (project acronym DSM-POLAND)."
Project information
The organizational and operational assumptions of the 'DSM-POLAND' project include the preparation of a selected group of State Fire Service officers serving in Specialized Chemical Rescue Groups, enabling them to address the full spectrum of CBRN threats. The core of the module is an analytical component consisting of 39 State Fire Service officers with degrees in either chemistry, biology, or physics. Additionally, it is assumed to create a command component (18 officers), a medical component to support our operations (4 doctors or paramedics of the State Fire Service), and a logistic component that ensures, according to the 'rescEU' assumptions, self-sufficiency for at least 14 days (7 officers). In total, the 'rescEU CBRN DSM POLAND' module will consist of 68 officers, with a permanent readiness of 26 persons. The location of the module is planned at the FU Field Training and Rescue Innovation Base in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki.
The module will be equipped for emergency responses through field detection, sampling, identification, and monitoring of CBRN threats. Its equipment will include analytical devices to identify CBRN threats, protective gear for rescuers, and support equipment for special operations. It will also feature logistical equipment to enable operation in all weather conditions with 14 days of self-sufficiency, vehicles for transporting personnel and equipment, and preparations for air transport.
Tasks planned as part of the project implementation:
- selection of a group of officers as module members and medical preparation of officers to function within the module;
- implementation of specialised training for designated State Fire Service officers (practical training with chemical warfare agents, radioactive materials, pyrotechnics and the use of specialised equipment, etc.);
- purchase of vehicles with specialised equipment;
- purchase of additional equipment necessary for the operation of the ‘rescEU CBRN DSM POLAND’ module;
- purchase of clothing and personal protection packages for module members;
- participating in the receipt and inspection of deliverd goods;
- promotion of the project and participation in international conferences with speeches promoting the development of the module;
- maintenance and calibration of equipment;
- implementation of 3 workshops / huddle exercises for each sub-component of the module including 3 sub-components / analytical component consisting of 13 officers each;
- supervision of the adaptation of the facility at the Fire University Field Training and Rescue Innovation Base in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki for the module.
The result of the project will be a prepared, trained, and ready for action CBRN module that meets the project requirements, located at the Fire University Field Training and Rescue Innovation Base in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, and operating within the structures of the State Fire Service (based on officers from both Specialized Chemical Rescue Groups, National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of Poland, Fire University, and other organizational units), which will achieve full readiness by the end of September 2026.