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New Technologies in Enhancing Training for Fire Service in Wildfire Response. The SILVANUS approach

„New Technologies in Enhancing Training for Fire Service in Wildfire Response. The SILVANUS approach”

Paweł Gromek

Wydanie: pierwsze
Warszawa 2024
Wydawca: Akademia Pożarnicza
ISBN: 978-83-968293-8-2
ss: 226

This monograph contains the results of scientific research carried out as part of the international research and development project entitled Integrated Technological and Information Platform for Wildfire Management (SILVANUS, grant number 101037247), co-implemented by the Fire University (the Main School of Fire Service) in the years 2021–2025 within the Horizon 2020 programme.

The research objective was to develop a comprehensive approach to the use of new technologies in enhancing training for the fire service in wildfire response. The research problem was formulated as the following question: What approach does allow effective and comprehensive implementation of new technologies in enhancing training for fire service in wildfire response? As regards the research hypothesis, it was assumed that the effective and comprehensive implementation of new technologies in enhancing training for fire service in wildfire response requires taking into consideration the specifics of the technology (so-called ‘technologies in a nutshell’), operational protocols on how to apply technologies in training, as well as reflect two essential viewpoints of the enhancement (the perspective of firefighters and the point of view of technology providers), as well as personal safety issues.

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